‘We grow to give’ is our company mission. And, we measure our success as a company by our ability to give back. Through our partnership with the OtterCares Foundation, we invest in programs and projects that inspire kids to be entrepreneurs, philanthropists, makers, doers and givers.

OtterCares is doing tomorrow, today. Because the thing about tomorrow, ready or not, is that it’s already here. So we’re frontloading the future by teaching kids to be entrepreneurs, philanthropists, makers, doers and givers — today. Collaborating with classrooms around the country, we zero in on out-of-the-box projects and programs that inspire innovative problem solving and instill the joy of giving. This effort inspires a brigade of bright minds ready to tackle tomorrow’s challenges with ingenuity, integrity and empathy.

Every Otter Products employee gets 24 hours of paid volunteer time off each year. And we passionately put it to good use. Otter Products has one of the highest annual VTO usage rates across the country.

Project Heart is a philanthropy education curriculum developed by OtterCares. This innovative curriculum is FREE to all teachers. Specialized coursework is available for elementary, middle and high school students. Join educators from around the world by downloading this curriculum for your classroom.

Once a year, for one day, the entire Otter Products corporation closes all offices across the globe. Employees spread out into their communities to spend the day giving back through hands-on volunteering with schools, students and nonprofits. Your business can give back too! Work with a nonprofit that your company cares about by either volunteering or finding fun and easy ways to invite your customers to support your company’s chosen cause.